Contaminated Soil Excavation and Site Remediation
Petrotech Environmental Services is MOE licensed to transport non-hazardous waste including contamindated soils, oil tanks and asbestos. We are completely self reliant to undertake small and large scale contaminated soil excavation projects.
Our equipment operators have vast experience handling contaminated materials.

Spill Response
Petrotech Environmental Services can be contacted 24hrs. a day for emergency spills.
We stock oil sorbent booms, pads and fencing at all times. We can dispatch any size excavator, dump bins or dump trucks at any time.

Portable MOE Certified Contaminated Water Treatment System
Petrotech Environmental Services is MOE certified with a Cof A to pump and treat oil impacted water through our two portable water treatment units any where in Ontario at a fraction of the cost of using vacuum trucks. We have a combination of holding tanks capable of holding 150,000L which can be delivered and set up within a moments notice. we have undertaken projects from as little as 3,000L to over 10,000,000L.

Bedrock Remediation
Petrotech Environmental Services manufactures, installs and maintains remediation and ground water treatment systems.

ORC and Peroxide Injections
Petrotech Environmental Services is MOE certified wiht CofA to perform ORC or peroxide injections anywhere in Ontario.
We can inject into previously drilled wells or if needed we are equipped with a 7822 geoprobe unit with injection pump that can directly inject into the new boreholes.

Tank Removal and Disposal

Contaminated Drill Core Removal, Haulage, and Disposal
Petrotech Environmental Services is MOE licensed to transport and dispose contaminated drill cores.